Saturday, February 4, 2023

Human Computer Interaction

Human computer interaction is a user friendly design to bring in everyone not just what you like or a couple people. The structure is supposed to be easy to understand and enjoy. It is considered a art and evolves all the time, changing with the demand. I found Google Scholar way more informative. They had books and articles. I prefer the regular google search engine because it pulls up more relatable searches that are a easier read. 

Scholar Reference

Non Academic Reference

Secondary Reference


  1. So you found the source from Google Scholar more informative but you prefer the two non-academic sources you found via Google search engine because they are easier to read?

    I can see why you feel this way :-)

    Glad you updated your blog post with your thoughts on the three sources as required by 1.5.7 Activity: Identify Source ^_^

  2. Hi, Khylie. I also prefer the google search engine as the information is all in one place at once. :)

  3. HCI is still evolving, look at the ability to schedule appointments, search the internet or have a reminder set by voice.

  4. Human Computer Interaction sounds like an interesting topic, it steers me in the direction of the Artificial Intelligence subject. I believe Human Computer Interaction is occurring in almost every aspect of the modern day world. Our activities on social media are studied to give us better experience based on our interests and characteristics, the writings we compose on softwares such as Word or Google Docs give us suggestions to improve our spellings and word usage, Navigation apps provide us with shorter and faster routes to better accommodate us. These are just a few examples of Human Computer Interaction in our daily lives, and in this extremely fast growing and evolving era who knows how more sophisticated Human Computer Interaction might become.

  5. If the goal is to make the interaction between humans and computers to be as natural, simple and open-ended as the interaction is between humans then I think they need to rethink their slogan. Interactions between humans are not simple they are typically fraught and open-ended. And with that in mind then they have, in my opinion, succeeded because computers can be fraught, I don't think they are simple but surely open-ended.

  6. "Computers and related devices have to be designed with an understanding that people with specific tasks in mind will want to use them in a way that is seamless with respect to their everyday work". Sadly most people that do HCI don't follow that ruleset.

  7. Working at a job where Human Computer Interaction is prevalent with every aspect, I can see why this is such a unique and beautiful topic that makes every day tasks that much easier to perform.

  8. I also found google scholar to be more informative, especially compared to my secondary source. The only problem was trying to comprehend the information as it was in more of a study form.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I would prefer something more easy to read like secondary reference, because if it was way too sophisticated, I would just close after a second.

  11. I also find Google Scholar very useful! I use it a bunch for my other classes to find articles and journals to support my papers!

  12. This sounds so much like u.x. design. It is about the interaction, how we can make it fun and operating.

  13. Hi Khylie, Thank you for the input I found on human computer interactions. I love things that are easy to comprehend/read and this topic. Isn't evolution beautiful?
